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PARIS, Jan. 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/,aleaderinSecureAccessServiceEdge(SASE) solutions, is thrilled to announce its participation in CyberShowParis2025, in collaboration with its French integrator partner, Dynamit.Thispremierevent,focusedonadvancementsincybersecurityand technologyinnovation,willtakeplaceonJanuary2G-30,2025,
AtBooth#65,BBT.liveandDynamitwillshowcasetheirjointeffortstodeliverinnovativeandsecure connectivitysolutions tailoredfortheFrenchmarket.VisitorscanexperienceBeBroadbandasa Service,'saward-winningplatformthatseamlesslyintegratesSD-WAN,SSE,ZTNA,andSASE tooffersecure,scalable,andefficientconnectivitysolutionsforserviceprovidersandSMB/SMEclients.
- Live Demonstrations: Witness real-time deployment of secure and resilient connectivity solutions designed specifically for SMBs and SMEs.
- Innovative Technology Showcase: Discover how's advanced platform empowers service providers with exceptional security, flexibility, and operational efficiency.
- Partnership Synergies: Learn how and Dynamit collaborate to deliver robust, localized, and cost-effective cybersecurity solutions across France.
", andourpartnershipwithDynamitenablesustoaddressthe growingdemandforsecure andseamlessconnectivitysolutions,"saidMosheLevinson, CEO of"CyberShowParisisaninvaluableopportunitytoconnect withindustryleaders and showcaseourgroundbreakingsolutionstoaglobalaudience."'s participationatCyberShowParis2025underscores its commitment to expanding its European presence by driving innovation, forging strategic partnerships, and supporting customer success in the cybersecurity and networking sectors.
Cyber Show Paris is a leading international event dedicated to cybersecurity and digital innovation. It attracts industry experts, technology pioneers, and forward-thinking companies from around the globe to collaborate and showcase the latest advancements in cybersecurity technologies. isredefiningnetworkconnectivitywithitsBeBroadbandasaServiceplatform,seamlessly combiningSD-WAN,SSE,ZTNA,and SASEcapabilities.Designed toempowerservice providers, BBT.livedeliverssecure,flexible,andscalablesolutionstomeettheconnectivityneedsofSMBsand SMEsworldwide.
DynamitisatrustedFrenchintegrator specializingincybersecurityandnetworkingsolutions.Witha focusoncustomersuccess,Dynamitdeliverstailored,cost-effectivesolutionsthatenablebusinesses acrossFrancetoachievesecureandseamless connectivity.
VisitusatBooth#65atCyberShowParis2025toexplore howBBT.liveandDynamitareshapingthe future of secure connectivity.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Mr. JackLehmann,VPofMarcom
Tel: +1845.445.8737

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