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Collective Mining Drills Best Intersection to Date at Apollo Returning 106.35 Metres at 9.05 g/t AuEq Within 497.35 Metres at 3.01 g/t AuEq
Published on Tue 25 Feb 2025 5:46:37 UTC

- Drill hole APC104-D5, which was designed to intercept the same high-grade sub-zone discovered in hole APC104-D1 at a deeper elevation, intersected 106.35 metres at 9.05 g/t gold equivalent within 497.35 metres at 3.01 g/t gold equivalent. On a grade accumulation basis (grams x metres), APC104-D5 yielded 1,499 g/t gold equivalent and is the best hole drilled to date at Apollo.
- The Apollo sub-zones are broad mineralized high-grade areas with multiple and coalescing mineralized structures within the breccia host rock. The Company recently started to drill test for potential sub-zone targets throughout the Apollo system and to date three holes have successfully tested the first of a series of sub-zone targets and confirmed that when drilled at an orthogonal angle, the true high-grade nature of the mineralization is realized. The Company believes that continued drilling of sub-zone targets within Apollo has the potential to raise the overall grade and size of the system.
- Assay results for two additional holes, aimed at filling in gaps in the block model, returned broad and high-grade intercepts with APC104-D3 hitting 351.35 metres at 2.00 g/t gold equivalent and APC104-D4 intercepting 176.40 metres at 3.15 g/t gold equivalent.
TORONTO, Feb. 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/- Collective Mining Ltd. (NYSE: CNL) (TSX: CNL) ("Collective" or the "Company") is pleased to announce assay results for three drill holes designed to test the potential of newly modeled broad and high-grade sub-zones and fill in block model gaps within the Apollo system ("Apollo"). Apollo is the most advanced discovery made to date within the Company's multi-target Guayabales Project in Caldas, Colombia.
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