Published on Fri 21 Feb 2025 10:33:45 UTC

Teamsters Demand Employer Negotiate in Good Faith for Fair First Contract

UPPER MARLBORO,Md., Feb. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Drivers atHerc Rentals represented by Teamsters Local 639 have voted unanimously to strike if an agreement is not reached soon. Teamsters are demanding a contract that includes wage increases and high-quality health insurance benefits.

"Teamsters at Herc provide essential services and materials to construction sites, as well as WMATA and Metro throughout the D.C. region," said William Davis, President of Local 639. "After three months of negotiations, this greedy employer has refused to acknowledge the importance of their workers by offering them a fair first Teamsters contract."

In addition to fighting for a fair first contract, Herc Teamsters have filed an unfair labor practice charge against the employer for firing the unit's lead organizer and are urging the company to reinstate him immediately.

"We are asking to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have our employer bargain with us in good faith," said Warren Veney, a driver at Herc Rentals and member of Local 639. "We are not asking for anything other than the opportunity to access good health insurance and a fair wage. We do not want to strike but will do so if Herc continues to give us no other options."

Teamsters Local 639 represents workers in a wide variety of industries throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. For more information, go to teamsters639.com.

MattMcQuaid, (771) 241-0015

SOURCE Teamsters Local 639