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If you formerly lived in Sudan or South Sudan between November 4, 1997 and December 31, 2011 and have refugee or asylum status in the United States, a class action lawsuit may affect your rights
NEW YORK, Feb. 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- What is this class action lawsuit about? TheFrenchbankBNPParibas, S.A.("BNPP SA") and its U.S. affiliate ("BNPP US") (together the "Defendants") are accused of knowingly funding the Government of Sudan's human rights abuses between November 1997 and December 2011. Defendants deny these allegations. The lawsuit is KashefvBNPParibas SA,16Civ.3228(AKH)in federal court in the Southern District of New York.
Whoisamember oftheclassactionlawsuit? If you were granted refugee or asylum status by the U.S. government, and formerly lived in Sudan or South Sudan between November 4, 1997 and December 31, 2011, you are a member of the Class and may be able to seek money compensation for your injuries.
What happens next?Those who wish to be eligible to seek individual damages will have to so indicate by opting in. Promptly after they do so, they will receive a questionnaire, by which they can advise the lawyers and the Court of the necessary details about their claims. One or more trials, or a settlement, may follow.
Do I need to get a lawyer? No. The Court appointed Kathryn Lee Boyd, of Hecht Partners LLP, and Michael Hausfeld, of HausfeldLLP, to represent Class Members (the "Class Counsel") at the trial. You do not need to get your own attorney, but you may do so if you wish.
How can I seek money compensation for my injuries as part of the class action?
You MUST complete an opt-in form and a questionnaire online by midnight ET on July 1, 2025.Personally identifiable information you provide will be protected and kept confidential by order of the Court, and will be available only to the Special Master, the Court, and internal and external legal counsel for the parties in this lawsuit.
Evenifyou haveprovided informationtoClass Counsel in the past, you MUST complete the opt-in form and the questionnaire, to be sent to the Special Master.
Instructionsforaccessingandcompletingtheopt-informandthequestionnaireareavailableat Arabic available).
Ifyou area member oftheClass, thefollowing legal rightsandoptions areavailable to you:
SEEK MONEY COMPENSATION FOR YOUR INJURIES. You must take action to seek money compensation for your injuries and losses.If between November 4, 1997 and December 31, 2011 you suffered injuries or lost property by the Government of Sudan's military, security services, police, or militias, including theJanjaweed, then you may be able to seek money compensation if you complete the opt-in form and the questionnaire. The opt-in form and the questionnaire are available at: (SudaneseArabic available). You must do this by midnight ET on July 1, 2025.
ASK TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE CLASS ACTION. If you ask to be excluded from the Class Action, you will be excluded from the lawsuit, and you will not receive any money, if money is awarded to Class Members. To bring your own case against the Defendants, you must find a new attorney, or proceed without an attorney. If you want to file your own suit, please be aware that there is a statute of limitations that is as short as two days after you submit your opt-out notice; consult your lawyer quickly. To ask to be excluded from this class action, you must complete an opt-out form that is available on the websitewww.kashefvbnpp.comby midnight ET on July 1, 2025.
DO NOTHING. If you do not ask to be excluded, you are included in the lawsuit and accept the outcome of the trial. IMPORTANT: you must complete the opt-in form and answer the questionnaire to seek any money compensation for your injuries.If you do not complete the opt-in form and the questionnaire, you will NOT be able to seek any money compensation for your injuries.
If you have any questions, find more information online at: (Sudanese Arabic available) or CallClassCounsel KathrynLeeBoydat+1 (332) 334-7771 orMichael Hausfeld at +1 (771) 333-6786 (Sudanese interpreters available).
SOURCE United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

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