Protecting Our Most Vulnerable: The urgent need to make critical prenatal substance exposure services accessible for children statewide

Published on Mon 10 Mar 2025 5:09:09 UTC

Hope RISING Clinic offers services for children with PSE

BOTHELL, Wash., March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- In these uncertain times, please remember the children--innocent victims of substance use and abuse.

The on-going opioid epidemic has brought tragedy to families and communities, but with all the press given to the problem, there is still little attention given to one group--children with pre-natal exposure to opioids and other substances.

Many people are aware that prenatal exposure to opioids can result in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), resulting in the infant going through withdrawal after birth. But for many children and families, that is just the beginning. Prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol often causes lifelong developmental and intellectual disabilities, shortened lives, and wasted potential. There are no cures, however, there are proven services and support to help both the impacted children and the family.

It is difficult to assess exactly how many children have been impacted, but we have some clues to the scope of the problem. Prenatal substance exposure (PSE) is a significant public health concern affecting many children. In 2021, approximately 20% of pregnant women in the US reported using substances, translating to an estimated 720,000 individuals (about half the population of Idaho) requiring screening and services annually. While that is a substantial number, keep in mind that substance use, illegal or prescription, is typically under self-reported, and even that figure has risen exponentially since COVID's isolation.

The dedicated staff at Hope RISING Clinic in Bothell, Washington are pioneers in offering comprehensive services for children with prenatal substance exposures (PSE). The first--and so far, only--provider in Washington State to focus on children birth - 13 who, because of prenatal exposure through no fault of their own, have a unique set of challenges. Treatment includes speech, occupational therapy, and behavioral health, but the real success comes from educating parents. Equipping parents and caregivers with the skills they need to help their child thrive.

The Washington State Legislature passed a ground-breaking bill in 2023 to expand services to children with prenatal substance exposure and their families. This was the first step in creating more options for families beyond Hope RISING Clinic. Sadly, that expansion is now in jeopardy, leaving families across Washington and even the nation without access to services.

As the Governor Ferguson and the Washington State legislature face tough budget decisions, we implore them and citizens through calls and emails to preserve access to Washington State's one-of-a-kind PSE treatment and remember all the people, including children who have been impacted by the opioid epidemic and substance use and abuse.

Hope RISING Clinic
Hope RISING Clinic, founded in 2019 by Wonderland Child & Family Services, provides specialized care for children and families affected by prenatal substance exposure. Through a comprehensive, trauma-informed service model, the clinic addresses the developmental, emotional, and behavioral needs of children impacted by PSE, while offering family-focused support programs to ensure lasting positive outcomes. For more information, visit

Claire Lee
Sr. Marketing Specialist